Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

Abortion - Discussion Text

Abortion - Discussion Text
  For years, abortion has been an extremely controversial subject. One important aspect of the controversy is whether a woman should be permitted by law to have an abortion and, if so, under what circumstances. Another is whether, and to what extent laws should protect the unborn. People who wish to legally limit or forbid abortions describe themselves as pro–life. Those who believe that a woman should have the right to have an abortion may refer to themselves as pro–choice.
Arguments against abortion are based on the belief that an abortion is the unjustified killing of an unborn child. Most people who oppose abortion believe that human life begins when a sperm fertilizes an egg. Another argument against abortion is that laws allowing it on demand will increase irresponsible pregnancies and lead to disrespect for human life. The Roman Catholic Church is a chief opponent of abortion. Conservative branches of other religions also oppose abortion.
Many people approve of abortion under certain circumstance. Some approve of abortion if a woman’s life or health is endangered by her pregnancy. Others recommend abortion when there is danger that the child will be born with a serious mental or physical defect. They also approve of abortion when pregnancy has resulted from rape or incest.
Many people who think that a woman should have the right to choose to have an abortion distinguish between human life and personhood. They argue that personhood  implies both the capacity for self-conscious thought and acceptance as a member of a social community. These people believe a fetus is not a person and is thus not entitled to rights normally given to a person. Such pro–choice supporters agree with the view that birth represents the beginning of personhood. Perform
Another pro–choice argument is that legalizing abortions has eliminated many illegal abortions performed by unskilled practitioners under unsanitary conditions. These abortions often cause deaths and permanent reproductive injuries. Abortion on demand also prevents many unwanted births and may thus be a factor in lowering infant and child abuse, neglect, and death rates. Also some argue that women should not have to bear unwanted children in a world with a growing population and diminishing natural resources.
As a result of this controversy, abortion laws vary from country to country. In Russia, where abortion has been legal since 1920, it is allowed up to about the fourth month of pregnancy, purely by request, and is commonly used as a method of birth control. In some countries, such as the Philippines, Indonesia, and Bangladesh, abortion is only allowed when pregnancy threatens the mother’s life. South Africa, New Zealand, and Hong Kong allow abortion when the fetus is severely damaged. In the Republic of Ireland, the operation may only be performed when either the mother’s or baby’s life is in danger.
Taken from the World Book Encyclopedia, 2007
1.      The text mainly discusses about ….
A.    reasons against abortion
B.     arguments supports abortion
C.     countries permitted abortion
D.    two arguments supported abortion
E.     two opposite arguments on abortion

2.      Who is the pro-life?
A.    people agree to abortion
B.     woman who did an abortion
C.     people who refuse any form of abortion
D.    people who accept any form of abortion
E.     religious group who permit abortion practice

3.      What is the argument of the pro-life to support abortion?
A.    Life begins in the pregnancy.
B.     Fetus is not regarded as human.
C.     Fetus is supposed as human life.
D.    Abortion means unjustified killing.
E.     Abortion should be done by the professional.

4.      The abortion can be done in the following condition, except ….
A.    the unborn will suffer mental defect
B.     endangering the unborn growth
C.     endangering the mother’s life
D.    resulted from unmarried
E.     resulted from the incest

5.      Which of the following statement is not the argument of the people who against abortion?
A.    Preventing any unwanted births
B.     Abortion is the same to a murder.
C.     The law doesn’t permit the abortion.
D.    All religions oppose any form of abortion
E.     Abortion will increase irresponsible pregnancies.

6.      The following countries allow abortion when the pregnancy endanger the fetus and the mother, except ….
A.    New Zealand
B.     Bangladesh
C.     Hongkong
D.    Philippines
E.     Russia

7.      They also approve of abortion when pregnancy has resulted from rape or incest. (par. 3) They refer to ….
A.    pro-life
B.     pro-choice
C.     arguments
D.    pregnancies
E.     Roman Conservatives

8.      …many illegal abortions performed by unskilled practitioners under unsanitary conditions.(par.5) The bold word can be best replaced by ….
A.    proceed
B.     protected
C.     carried out
D.    carried away
E.     brought into

9.       The text implies that ….
A.    abortion is permitted by all countries on the world
B.     all people on the world do not agree to abortion
C.     abortion can be a method of population control
D.    abortion can be performed for a health reason
E.     all people permit the abortion practice

10.  What is the communicative purpose of the text?
A.    To inform an abortion case.
B.     To describe abortion practice.
C.     To persuade the readers not to do abortion.
D.    To explain the readers the abortion phenomena.
E.     To present the readers two different views on abortion.

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