Minggu, 20 November 2011

Kerjakan Keselamatanmu – Petrus Agung 20 November 2011

Kerjakan Keselamatanmu – Petrus Agung 20 November 2011

Kerjakan Keselamatanmu
Petrus Agung
Minggu Pagi, 20 November 2011
Rangkuman oleh: Ezra Joza
Fil 2 12-15
12 Hai saudara- saudaraku yang kekasih, kamu senantiasa taat; karena itu tetaplah kerjakan keselamatanmu dengan takut dan gentar, bukan saja seperti waktu aku masih hadir, tetapi terlebih pula sekarang waktu aku tidak hadir,
John Calvin, tokoh Kristen mempunyai pandangan yg menimbulkan polemik, sekali selamat pasti selamat. Lalu ada pertanyaan apakah kalau hidup sembarangan dan hidup dlm dosa akan tetap selamat?
Namun ada ayat yg mengatakan keselamatan bisa hilang, Seperti Paulus berkata, jangan sampai setelah memberitakan injil namun hidupnya ditolak Tuhan (tidak selamat)
Tetapi aku melatih tubuhku dan menguasainya seluruhnya, supaya sesudah memberitakan Injil kepada orang lain, jangan aku sendiri ditolak. – 1 Korintus 9:27
Nah seperti apa Jaminan Keselamatan itu sebenarnya
Ef 1:13-14
Dan Roh Kudus itu adalah jaminan bagian kita sampai kita memperoleh seluruhnya, yaitu penebusan yang menjadikan kita milik Allah, untuk memuji kemuliaan- Nya. – Efesus 1:14
Roh Kudus adalah jaminan, / ikatan dari sebuah kontrak / meterai
Misal kita dengan Bank, jaminannya adalah benda / rumah dll
Tuhan memberikan jaminan hak waris dlm kerajaan surga itu bukan barang tapi pribadi Roh Kudus
Contoh jaman dahulu, sewaktu Inggris dan Perancis meminta jaminan kalau putri raja Perancis dikawinkan dgn putra mahkota Inggris maka tidak akan ada perang, jaminan ini kuat, namun jika putri itu diperlakukan dgn kasar dan tidak sopan apakah jaminan ini akan bisa jadi?
Maka Roh Kudus adalah jaminan tetapi sebagai pribadi maka jika kita perlakukan Roh Kudus dgn semau kita, kita sedang hidup dlm bahaya, jika kita terus abaikan dan sakiti hatiNya maka suatu saat kita sampai batas mendukakan Roh Kudus Allah, maka Dia akan undur dari kita dan batal lah jaminan itu.
Tetapi jika kita menurut teguran Roh Kudus akan dosa, taat akan perintahNya mengasihi Dia dgn sungguh2 maka Dia akan disukakan dan Dia betah tinggal dalam hidup kita
Apa artinya kerjakan keselamatan?
1. to produce/ menghasilkan sesuatu / berbuah
2. To make gain by trading, menghasikan sesuatu dgn perdagangan, seperti sebuah talenta yg dikembangkan
3. To effect, berdampak bagi org lain
Maka keselamatan harus dikerjakan seperti diatas
Ada satu cara untuk membuat hidup kita berdampak?
2 Kor 1 :17 Sebab penderitaan ringan yang sekarang ini, mengerjakan bagi kami kemuliaan kekal yang melebihi segala- galanya, jauh lebih besar dari pada penderitaan kami. – 2 Korintus 4:17
Jangan salah respon, krn penderitaan adalah untuk membantu kita mencapai sesuatu yaitu kemuliaan yg kekal
Ada penglihatan waktu org dimaki2 itu seperti butiran2 permata kemuliaan pindah kalau dibalas maka malah ditolak kekayaan sorgawi itu, maka Tuhan ngajari untuk mengampuni dan memberkati. Makin sakit kita dimaki2 artinya berliannya itu besar, masuk ke hidup kita agak sakit memang. Tuhan itu adil saat orang memaki2 / menghakimi kita maka otomatis saat itu juga Penghakiman jatuh atas dia dan kekayaan sorgawinya di pindah kepada orang yg dimaki2.
Waktu kita dimaki2 memang sakit hati, Pak Agung punya pengalaman dimaki2 hamba Tuhan asing dgn bhs inggris, org yg sudah penginjilan ke bangsa2, maka sekarang baru tau bahwa Pak Agung adalah org yg paling banyak mewarisi kekayaan rohani hamba Tuhan itu
Maka kita harus cerdik secara rohani, krn Tuhan itu adil dan menghitung segala sesuatunya dgn adil
Sebab perhatikanlah betapa justru dukacita yang menurut kehendak Allah itu mengerjakan pada kamu kesungguhan yang besar, bahkan pembelaan diri, kejengkelan, ketakutan, kerinduan, kegiatan, penghukuman! Di dalam semuanya itu kamu telah membuktikan, bahwa kamu tidak bersalah di dalam perkara itu. – 2 Korintus 7:11
Penderitaan menghasilkan kesungguhan (speed) kecepatan yg luar biasa
Seperti orang berlari lalu dikejar prajurit ditusuk pantatnya, akan berlari lebih kencang lagi
Salam Revival! GBU
Blog rangkuman khotbah:
Link MP3 khotbah: (by Yohanes Rudy)

Kamis, 10 November 2011

Penuaian Susulan - Petrus Agung

Penuaian Susulan – Petrus Agung 6 Nov 2011

JKI - Minggu 6 November 2011 – pagi
Petrus Agung
Penuaian Susulan”

4 Hal yang terjadi dalam minggu-minggu terakhir, yang merupakan tanda dari Tuhan:
  1. Total yang dibabtis selama bulan oktober 3000 orang lebih, dan ini merupakan suatu tanda. Tuhan berkata kepada 6HT bahwa jika di 11-11-2011 anak Tuhan bisa tangkap, maka Tuhan akan berikan apiNya, yang akan seperti roket pendorong yang bawa kita maju dengan cepat hingga mencapai apa yang Tuhan mau, seperti jaman Pentakosta pertama – Roh Tuhan turun dalam wujud seperti api. Kebaktian 18:00, temanya api. Babtisan 3000 orang adalah konfirmasi dari Tuhan bahwa sesuatu yang besar sedang terjadi
  2. PAP dapat email dari direktur crusade/KKR Benny Hinn saat SHRK di jakarta, bahwa Benny Hinn ingin kunjungi Holy Stadium, kemungkinan pada pertengahan Januari 2012. Tanpa kita undang, tim Benny Hinn yang ingin datang.
  3. Rabu malam seorang anak Tuhan Jakarta bertemu PAP. Anak Tuhan ini punya visi untuk memiliki banyak station TV di Indonesia. Dia bernasar jika visi tercapai, satu diserahkan ke PAP. Akhirnya sepakat ambil Salatiga, karena dekat, ada MK, dan ketua sinode di Salatiga. Serah terima tanggal 16 Nov 2011. Grup anak Tuhan tersebut juga sewa transponder satelit pada satelit Telkom 3, dapat jatah 100 channel untuk TV. Saat diluncurkan, PAP dapat 1 channel gratis 24 jam.
  4. Pilot project Agro: tanam padi di Magelang, 19 Nov 2011 panen perdana beras Mentik Wangi. Tahap pertama ini hanya 6 Ha, musim berikutnya lahan yang tersedia 125 Ha.

11-11-11 – datang, nyembah, tangkap apiNya karena kita butuh roket yg besar untuk mendorong kita mencapai tujuan yang Tuhan tetapkan bagi hidup kita.

Apa yang selama ini kurang dan harus dibenahi saat kegerakan terjadi ?
> PAP diingatkan tentang peristiwa 5 roti dan 2 ikan:
  1. Yang membagi-bagikan adalah pekerjaan murid-muridNya
  2. Yang mengerjakan mujizat: Tuhan Yesus
  3. Bagian orang yang terima mujizat pelipatgandaan adalah seperti perintah Yesus: mengorganisasi diri kita sendiri (organize your self) – suruh mereka duduk berkelompok masing-masing 50 orang. Maka yang harus dikerjakan: setiap jemaat tergabung dalam Mezbah Keluarga. Saat ini kita kerjakan, tanpa kita ketahui prosesnya, kita akan menikmati pelipatgandaanNya

Saat Gideon perang melawan Median. Di perang pertama kemenangan luar biasa. Saat suku Efraim ikut membantu – kemenangannya jauh lebih besar. Saat Efraim protes, jawaban Gideon: “bukankah petikan susulan orang Efraim lebih besar?”

Rhema: ada “petikan/panen susulan” dalam pengertian yang baik maupun yang tidak baik. Yang tidak baik bisa terjadi jika kita tidak waspada !

Kej 4: 1-8
Dalam bahasa Ibrani dosa artinya miss the target
Kain adalah orang yang meleset dari target
Semua orang beri korban supaya dapat perkenan Tuhan. Hari itu Kain meleset dari target Tuhan – tidak bisa berikan yang Tuhan mau. Ketika target Tuhan tidak bisa dicapai hati Kain menjadi panas karena korban Habel diterima Tuhan. Saat Tuhan tegur – Kain tidak dengarkan, tapi malah menghindar dan meluapkan emosinya – bahkan membunuh
Harusnya Kain selesaikan dengan bertanya pada Tuhan seperti apa korban yang Tuhan inginkan.

Tuaian pertama Kain: Tuha tidak berkenan pada persembahannya
Tuaian susulan: Tuhan mengutuk Kain

Banyak orang lakukan hal ini tanpa disadari. Ada hal-hal yang kita kerjakan dan kita sadar bahwa kita miss the target. Bukannya bertobat kembali dan bertanya kepada Tuhan dimana letak miss -nya, tapi mencoba menutupi dengan banyak hal. Akibatnya semakin mengerikan.

Yes 30:1 – “.. sin to sin..” dosa ditambah dosa
Saat kita gagal minta Tuhan untuk memberikan nasehatNya – bukan karena Tuhan tidak mau, tapi karena kita yang tidak mau minta nasehat Tuhan.
Akibatnya kesalahan berbuah kesalahan, dosa berbuah dosa. Dan biasanya panen susulan lebih besar dan lebih mengerikan.
Secara positif maupun negatif hal ini terjadi.

Seandainya kita bisa jujur dengan hati kita dan jujur dengan Tuhan – bicara terbuka dengan Tuhan, maka akan luar biasa.
Kesalahannya adalah kita anggap Tuhan tidak terlalu lihat – tidak maha tahu, sehingga dengan gampang kita menipu dan memanipulasi Tuhan. Akibatnya kita akan cenderung memanipulasi orang lain. Saat kemudian terbentur sana-sini, justru berontak terhadap Tuhan dan manusia, pahit terhadap manusia lain, padahal akarnya dalam diri kita sendiri. Harusnya kita bertobat !

Kesaksian PAP
1. Ada HT yang berkarunia nabi, tajam, hobynya bongkar dosa- seringkali vulgar: menembak orang dari mimbar. PAP sering undang dia ke gereja Permata, dan hobynya “menembak” pendeta. Nabi ini karunianya membawa orang bertobat,
Lama-lama PAP tidak tahan dan marah. Saat pembantu PAP dengarkan kaset khotbah dari HT itu dan bertobat, tapi PAP keraskan hati.
Kemudian RK tanya kenapa PAP marah. Hari itu PAP belajar jujur kepada Tuhan bahwa dia tersinggung. PAP bisa berikan alasan lain, tapi jika dilakukan maka akarnya tidak pernah tersentuh dan artinya berbohong pada hati sendiri dan pada Tuhan.
Tuhan tunjukkan bahwa ketersinggungan PAP adalah kesombongan.
Tuhan berkata: jika mau besar, harus bereskan hati – yaitu kesombongan.
Ketersinggungan PAP karena sombong. Jika PAP rendah hati maka tidak akan tersinggung dan marah. Tuhan ingin PAP biarkan dirinya diproses sampai habis sehingga siap terima hal yang besar.

Seringkali kita tidak jujur dengan diri sendiri dan menyalahkan orang lain, padahal sumber masalah dalam diri kita.
! Jika kita kerjakan apapun selalu ada masalah – berhenti salahkan orang lain, jujurlah terhadap diri sendir dan Tuhan, akui apa adanya semua kesombongan kita. Itu yang akan membuat cepat selesai. Jika tidak maka malah akan berkepanjangan

2. Awal JKI lokasi di jl Gajahmada belakang gedung Majesti sekarang – samping GBI Bethany yang saat itu sedang berkembang. Di awal PAP minta ijin buka gereja kepada pdt Sebadja (gembala Bethany). Saat lihat jemaat Bethany banyak, awalnya PAP bisa ucap syukur. Jemaat GBI Bethany ribuan, JKI 25 orang saja, dan ini membuat hati PAP teriritasi dan tidak mau jujur pada Tuhan. Akhirnya kemarahan memuncak saat KKR di GBI Bethany, dan petugas parkir buka tempat parkir JKI untuk menampung mobil yang banyak tsb.
Saat hati PAP kacau dan tidak bisa berdoa, Tuhan tanyai PAP dan dijawab dengan kurang ajar. Tuhan bongkar hati PAP bahwa dia iri karena tidak sesukses GBI Bethany.
Tuhan peringatkan: jika sikap hati PAP tetap dan terus iri, tidak akan bisa berkembang. Akhirnya PAP bertobat dan mengaku bahwa dia iri, dan minta ampun ke Tuhan.
Sorenya PAP kunjungi Gembala GBI Bethany (pdt Sebadja) dan mengaku bahwa sakit hati terhadap GBI Bethany dan minta maaf karena salah di depan Tuhan, dan kemudian sumbangkan seluruh kas JKI ke GBI yang sedang membangun – sebagai tanda pertobatan kepada Tuhan.
Sejak itu hati PAP berubah – apapun perkembangan GBI Bethany – PAP ikut andil.
Setahun kemudian JKI dapatkan gedung gereja Permata, dan saat ini Holy Stadium.

Bisakah kita jujur? Sehingga tuaian susulan kita tetap tuaian yang luar biasa dan bukan tuaian yang jahat
Banyak orang yang saat usahanya gagal beberapa kali, tidak mau berhenti dan mengaku di depan Tuhan. Tapi seringkali coba dengan segala cara manusia.

Ketidakmauan kita untuk jujur terhadap diri sendiri dan Tuhan akan membuat panen susulan kita bukan panen susulan yang baik, justru merupakan panen susulan yang mengerikan.

Pastikan bahwa panen susulan kita selalu lebih baik.

Jika hari ini ada orang-orang yang merugikan kita atau membuat kita marah, belajar diampuni – kebaskan! Jangan sampai itu jadi benih yang mengakar di hidup kita.
Jika mengakar – akan merusak kita dan kita tidak akan pernah kemana-mana, karena akar yang sudah membusuk dan rusak itu akhirnya akan meracuni hidup rohani kita.

Tuhan punya rencana yang besar, ada banyak orang terhambat berkatnya karena tidak mau selesaikan, mengampuni, dan jujur

Mari jujur terhadap diri sendiri dan Tuhan sehingga panen susulan kita makin ajaib dan luar biasa

Pohon yang tidak berbuah akan ditebang, carang yang berbuah dibersihkan supaya semakin lebat buahnya

link rekaman MP3:

Minggu, 06 November 2011

Vocabulary Exercise - Geography Vocabulary

 Please do it :

to learn english


Narrative Text - Telaga Warna

Folktales of Indonesia  : Telaga Warna
Long, long ago there was a kingdom in West Java. The kingdom was ruled by a king. People called their king His Majesty Prabu. Prabu was a kind and wise king. No wonder if that country was prosperous. There’s no hunger in this kingdom.
It was a very happy condition. But it was a pity that Prabu and his queen hadn’t got any children. It made the royal couple very, very sad. Some old men and women who was respected by Prabu suggested the king to adopt a child. But Prabu and the queen didn’t agree. “No, thank you. But for us, our own daughter or son is better than adopted children.”
The queen was very sad. She often cried. That was why Prabu decided to go. He went to the jungle. There he prayed to God. Everyday he begged for a child. His dream came true. A few months later, the queen got pregnant. All people in the kingdom felt happy. They sent many presents to the palace to express their happiness.
Nine months later a princess was born. People sent their presents again as a gift to a little princess. This baby grew as a beautiful teenager then.
Prabu and Queen loved their daughter so much. They gave what ever she wanted. It made Princess a very spoiled girl. When her wish couldn’t be realized, she became very angry. She even said bad things often. A true princess wouldn’t do that. Even though the princess behaved badly, her parents loved her, so did the people in that kingdom.
Day by day, the princess grew more beautiful. No girls could compare with her. In a few days, Princess would be 17 years old. So, people of that kingdom went to palace. They brought many presents for her. Their presents gift were very beautiful. Prabu collected the presents. There were really many presents. Then Prabu stored them in a building. Some times he could take them to give to his people.
Prabu only took some gold and jewels. Then she brought them to the goldsmith. “Please make a beautiful necklace for my daughter,” said Prabu. “My pleasure, Your Majesty,” the goldsmith replied. The goldsmith worked with all his heart and his ability. He wanted to create the most beautiful necklace in the world because he loved his princess.
The birthday came. People gathered in the palace field. When Prabu and queen appeared, people welcomed them happily. Prabu and his wife waved to their beloved people.
Cheers were louder and louder when the princess appeared with her fabulous pretty face. Everybody admired her beauty. Prabu got up from his chair. A lady gave him a small and glamorous pillow. A wonderful necklace was on it. Prabu took that necklace. “My beloved daughter, today I give this necklace to you. This necklace is a gift from people in this country. They love you so much. They presented it for you to express their happiness, because you have growing to a woman. Please, wear this necklace,” said Prabu.
Princess accepted the necklace. She looked at the necklace in a glance. “I don’t want to accept it! It’s ugly!” shouted the princess. Then she threw the necklace. The beautiful necklace was broken. The gold and jewels were spread out on the floor
Everybody couldn’t say anything. They never thought that their beloved princess would do that cruel thing. Nobody spoke. In their silence people heard the queen crying. Every woman felt sad and began crying too. Then everybody was crying.
Then there was a miracle. Earth was crying. Suddenly, from the under ground, a spring emerged. It made a pool of water. The palace was getting full. Soon the place became a big lake. The lake sank all of the kingdom.
Nowadays the water on that lake is not as full as before. There is only a small lake now. People called the lake “Talaga Warna”. It is mean “Lake of Colour”. It’s located in Puncak, West Java. On a bright day, the lake is full of colour. So beautiful and amazing. These colors come from shadows of forest, plants, flowers, and sky around the lake. But some people said that the colours are from the princess’s necklace, which spreads at the bottom of the lake.

retold by Renny Yaniar

Jumat, 04 November 2011

Latihan Soal

Name :__________________

Class/ Student Number : _______/_____

Text 1
Once, three fish lived in a pond. One evening, some fishermen passed by the pond and saw the fish. This pond is full of fish, they told each other excitedly. "We have never fished here before. We must come back tomorrow morning with our nets and catch these fish!” So saying, the fishermen left.                                          
When the eldest of the three fish heard this, he was troubled. He called the other together and said, “Did you hear what the fishermen said? We must leave this pond at once. The fishermen will return tomorrow and kill us all!” The second of the three fish agreed. “You are right,” he said. "We must leave the pond.”
But the youngest fish laughed. “You are worrying without reason,” he said. “We have lived in this pond all our lives, and no fisherman has ever come here. Why should these men return? I am not going anywhere my luck will keep me safe.”
The eldest of the fish left the pond that very evening with his entire family. The second fish saw the fishermen coming in the distance early next morning and left the pond at once with all his family. The third fish refused to leave even then.
The fishermen arrived and caught all the fish left in the pond. The third fish's luck did not help him - he too was caught and killed.

1.        The topic of the story is … .
A.       wise fish
B.       the three fish
C.       the fishermen
D.       life in the pond
E.       the cruel fishermen

2.        The fishermen did not catch the fish that very evening because... .
A.        They were in a hurry.
B.        It was cold to fish at night.
C.       They did not bring their fishing equipment.
D.       They needed more people to catch the fish.
E.        It was already dark so they could not see the fish clearly.

3.        Which statement is TRUE according to the text?
A.       The eldest of the fish left the pond alone.
B.       The eldest of the three fish too was caught and killed.
C.       The eldest of the three fish heard the fishermen saying.
D.       The second fish still stayed in the pond with all his family.
E.       The youngest and the second fish were caught and killed.

4.        I am not going anywhere my luck will keep me safe.
The underlined word has the similar meaning with … .
A.       ease
B.       wealth
C.       fortune
D.       secure
E.       comfort
Text 2
One day, a crow had snatched a fine piece of cheese out of a window, and flew with it into a high tree. A fox saw this and wanted the cheese for himself.
                He said, ”Oh, crow. How beautiful are your wings. How bright your eyes. How fine your neck. Your breast is the breast of an eagle. Your claws are the match for all the beasts of the field. All of the birds should be dumb and want only a voice.”
                The crow was pleased to hear all that. Chucking to think how she would surprise the fox with the caw. She opened her mouth, down dropped the cheese which the fox snapped up.

5.        Where did the crow get the cheese?
A.        She found it on a tree branch.
B.        She found it on window.      
C.       The fox dropped it.
D.       The fox gave her.
E.        She stole it.

6.        A complication of the text arose when……
A.        She opened her mouth, down dropped the cheese which the fox snapped up.
B.        A crow had snatched a fine piece of cheese out of a window.
C.       A fox saw this event and wanted the cheese for himself.
D.       The crow was pleased to hear all the fox said.
E.        A fox flattered the crow.

7.        What can we learn from the story?
A.        Be proud of what you have.
B.        Don’t adore one so high.
C.       Always adore your fried.
D.       Never have a crow.
E.        Don’t be snobbish.

8.        …a crow had snatched a fine piece of cheese out of a window.
    The underlined word has the same meaning with the words below, except…..
A.        Abandon
B.        Grasp               
C.       Seize               
D.       Grab
E.        Take

9.        Chucking to think how she would surprise the fox with the caw.
    The underlined word means……
A.        Save
B.        Keep
C.       Throw              
D.       Preserve
E.        Maintain

10.      Why did the crow open her mouth?
A.        She wanted her voice to be heard.
B.        She was pleased to hear all that.
C.       She wanted to drop the cheese.
D.       She wanted the fox snapped up.
E.        She wanted to frighten the fox.

Text 3
A mouse that always lived on the land, by an unlucky chance, formed an intimate acquaintance with a frog, who lived for the most part, in the water.
One day, the frog was intent on mischief. He tied the foot of the mouse tightly to his own. Thus joined together, the frog led his friend the mouse to the meadow where they usually searched for food. After this, he gradually led him towards the pond in which he lived, until reaching the banks of the water; he suddenly jumped in, dragging the mouse with him.
The frog enjoyed the water amazingly, and swam croaking about, as if he had done a good deed. The unhappy mouse was soon sputtered and drowned in the water, and his poor dead body floating about on the surface.
A hawk observed the floating mouse from the sky, and dove down and grabbed it with his talons, carrying it back to his nest. The frog, being still fastened to the leg of the mouse, was also carried off a prisoner, and was eaten by the hawk.

11.      Where did the mouse and the frog live?
A.        The mouse lived in the water and the frog lived on the land
B.        The frog lived in the water and the mouse lived on the land
C.       They lived in the hawk’s nest
D.       They lived in the water
E.        They lived on the land

12.      How did the mouse die?
A.        He floated about on the surface of water
B.        He was imprisoned by the hawk
C.       He was tied on the frog’s leg
D.       He was eaten by the hawk
E.        He drowned in the water

13.      How was the end of the frog’s life?
A.        He became the prisoner of the hawk
B.        He was imprisoned by the hawk
C.       He was tied on the frog’s leg
D.       He was eaten by the mouse
E.        He was eaten by the hawk

14.      What do you learn from this story?
A.        Do not play in the river if you do not want to get drowned
B.        Practice swimming if you do not want to get drowned.
C.       We should choose our friends carefully
D.       We can make friends with everybody
E.        Do not play with animals

15.      “. . . .  formed an intimate acquaintance with a frog . . . .”
The underlined word has the similar meaning to .  . . . .
A.        Unawareness
B.        New arrival
C.       colleague
D.       Ignorance
E.        Stranger

Text 4
          Far away in the mountains, there was a small, quiet lake. The fish lived in the lake were very happy until a heron came to live nearby. With his long beak, he caught some of the fish everyday and ate them. As soon as a fish swam too close to the surface of the water, the heron caught it.
         But time passed, and the heron became old and too slow to catch many of the fish. So he thought a trick.
         “ What a pity, my beautiful fish, that you don’t know of the danger that is so near,” he said loudly.
         “ What danger is there  -  except your sharp beak ?” asked the fish from a safe distance.
          “ That is not true,” said the heron as he smiled to himself. “ Today I heard the villagers say they were going to empty this lake and take all the fish out.”
          When the fish heard this, they were very frightened. “ We will all die. This is the end of the world.”
         “ Don’t give up hope,” said the heron. “ I’ll help you. There is another lake on the other side of this mountain. It has clear water and is even bigger than this lake. If you like, I’ll carry you over there on my back.”
          The silly fish had now forgotten the sharp beak of the heron and were glad that he could help them.
          “ I must do it slowly as I am old. I can only take a few of you each day,” said the heron, feeling happy that his plan had worked.
         Everyday, he took two or three fish out of the lake and flew away with them over the mountain.
         A rather clever crab also lived in the lake. He didn’t trust the old heron. One day, he sharpened his claws and then asked to be taken to the new lake. He crawled onto the heron’s back and up they went. When they were high above the mountain, the heron suddenly dived down and tried to throw the crab off his back. But the crab held on firmly with its legs. They passed a stone which was covered with fish bones. Immediately, the crab knew where the bones came from.
         “ You dreadful creature !” he said to the heron. “ You cheated the fish  and you brought them here and ate them.”
          Then he pinched the heron’s back with his sharp claws and pulled off the feathers from the heron’s neck. The wounded heron returned to the ground at once and the crab crawled away.
         When the  crab returned to the lake, he told the fish what had happened. He told them about the pile of bones he had seen on the rock. Then the fish saw how foolish they had been and they thanked the crab for saving their lives.
         Once again, the lake became quiet and peaceful and the heron never came back again.

16.      What is the purpose of the writer writing the passage ?
A.        to explain  the process of natural or socio cultural phenomena.
B.        to tell the readers some series events in the past
C.       to inform the readers with the issue in the story
D.       to entertain the readers with the story
E.        to describe the animals in the story

17.      What happened  to the fish when a heron came to live near the lake ?
A.        They were caught and eaten by the heron
B.        He flew away from the mountain
C.        They swam in the lake
D.       He kept the fish
E.        He ate the crab 

18.      What is the  trick ? The Heron …..
A.        lied that the villagers would empty the lake
B.        pretended to become4 old and too slow
C.       asked the villagers to take out all the fish.
D.       took the fish to a safe distance
E.        played dangerous movement.

19.       “ When the fish heard this, they were very frightened.” ( Paragraph  6  )
  The underlined word refers to …..
A.        the danger that is so near
B.        the trick thought by the Heron
C.       the information that the villagers will empty the lake
D.       the idea that the Heron will take the fish  to a safe place.
E.        the fact that the Heron caught and ate the fish everyday

20.      The complication starts when …..
A.        the fish lived in the lake.     
B.        the Heron  saved the fish
C.       the Heron lived nearby the lake                            
D.       the crab  didn’t trust the old Heron
E.        the wounded heron returned to the ground.
21.      “…  the heron suddenly dived down and tried to… “ ( Paragraph  11 )
The underlined word has the same meaning as …..
A.        flew away
B.        swam into         
C.       stayed away
D.       went under water               
E.        walked on the surface

Text 5
A group of frogs were  travelling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit with all their might. The other frogs kept telling them to stop, that they were as good as dead. Finally, one of the frogs took heed to what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down and died.
                The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die. He jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out, the other frogs said, “Did you not hear us?” the frog explained to them that he was deaf. He thought they were encouraging him the entire time.

22.      What happened to the two frogs while they were traveling?
A.        The two frogs could not jump higher than others
B.        The two frogs skipped into a deep pit
C.       The two frogs jumped into a deep pit
D.       The two frogs played in a deep pit
E.        The two frogs fell into a deep pit

23.      What did the other frogs do when the two frogs tried to jump up out of the pit?
A.        They helped the two frogs
B.        They ignored the two frogs
C.       They jumped into the deep pit.
D.       They shouted at the frogs to give up
E.        They asked for a help from other frogs

24.      Why did one frog stop trying and give up?
A.        Because he broke his leg
B.        Because the pit was too deep
C.       Because he was tired of jumping
D.       Because the other frogs kept encouraging him
E.        Because the other frogs kept telling that they were as good as dead

25.      Which is the best lesson suited to the story
A.        There is power of life and death in the tongue
B.        Don’t judge the book from the cover
C.       Experience is the best teacher
D.       A great talker is a great liar
E.        Be careful of what you say

26.      “He thought they were encouraging him the entire time”
The synonym of the underlined word is . . . .
A.        Asking
B.        Motivating
C.       Heartening
D.       Depressing
E.        Disappointing

Text 6
                                                                                       BANDUNG BONDOWOSO AND RARA JONGGRANG
                                                                                                   ( The Legend of a Prambanan Temple )
Once, there was a beautiful Javanese princess whose name was Rara Jonggrang. Rara Jonggrang whose beauty was very famous in the land was the daughter of Prabu Baka, an evil king.
One day, a handsome young man with supernatural power named Bandung Bondowoso defeated and killed Prabu Baka. On seeing Princess Rara Jonggrang’s beauty, Bandung Bondowoso fell in love with her and wanted to marry her.
Meanwhile, princess Rara Jonggrang felt sad due to her father’s death. She did not want to marry Bandung because he had killed her father. But she was also afraid of Bandung. So she refused politely by giving him a requirement which was impossible to fill. She said, “I will marry you but you have to build one thousand temples in one night as a wedding gift,” requested Rara Jonggrang. Bandung agreed with condition.
Helped by the spirits of the demons, Bandung Bondowoso started building the temples. Approaching midnight, the work would nearly be done. Rara Jonggrang knew this and thought, “What shall I do? Bandung is smarter than I .I would lose against Bandung.
Suddenly she got an idea. She woke up all the women in the palace and ordered them to make noisy sounds of grinding rice so that roosters though it had already been dawn.
Bandung Bondowoso got frustrated because he failed completing the thousand temples. “The princess has deceived me!” Following his anger, he cursed Rara Jonggrang, “You have cheated me. Now, the thousandth temple will be you!”
At once, the princess turned into a statue. Knowing this, Bandung Bondowoso regretted and went away, now you can see the statue of princess Rara Jonggrang in Prambanan temple.

27.      Who helped Bandung build the temple?
A.        His followers
B.        The evil kings
C.       His fellow workers
D.       The spirits of giants
E.        The spirits of demons

28.      Who owned a supernatural power?
A.        Bandung Bondowoso
B.        The spirits of demons
C.       Rara Jonggrang
D.       Prabu Baka
E.        An evil king

29.      What moral do you learn from the story?
A.        Love is gained by working hard
B.        Crime will not bring happiness
C.       We must keep our promise
D.       You must be honest
E.        Cheating is needed

Text 7
The Fisherman
Once upon a time there was a fisherman armed with his fishing rod who would make his way everyday from his village to the river bank. There he would wait patienly for the fish to bait. As soon as had caught exactly three fish, he would leave the river and went his way slowly home to the cottage where he lived with his wife and son. This strange routine was much commented in the village. Then one day, a tourist arrived and began to go a daily walks to the river bank. After a few days of watching the lone fisherman, he finally spoke to him.
“Excuse me, but I’ve been observing your unsual routine for several days. You always catch three fish and then go away.”
“And why on earth should I want to wait around here after that?”
“For more fish to take the bait”
“But I only need three fish. There are only three of us at home.”
“And you”ve never thought of trying to catch more fish?”
“What for?”
“To sell, so that you could buy nets and a fishing boat.”
“What for?”
“So that you can buy a bigger house and then may be another boat and have people working for you.”
“What for?”
“So that you could have other things, be very rich and do all the things you like doing.”
“The thing I like doing? But what I like doing is fishing!”

30.      Where did the story take place?
A.        In a tourist resort
B.        At a river bank   
C.       In a village        
D.       In a cottage
E.        On a fishing boat

31.      Who were the participants?
A.        A fisherman and his son     
B.        A fisherman and villager
C.       A fisherman and a tourist
D.       A fisherman and his wife
E.        A fisherman

32.      What routine did the fisherman do everyday?
A.        He spoke to the tourist
B.        He went home slowly
C.       He bought some fish
D.       He met the tourist
E.        He went fishing

33.      Why did the tourist finally speak to the fisherman?
A.        Because he wanted him to sell fish
B.        Because the fisherman was fishing alone
C.       Because he would sell a net and a fishing boat
D.       Because he had been watching him for a few days
E.        Because the fisherman always caught exactly three fish

34.      How did the fisherman wait for the fish to bait?
A.        Slowly
B.        Carefully
C.       Excitedly
D.       Patiently
E.        Generously

35.      Why didn’t the fisherman catch more than three fish?
A.        Because he only needed three fish
B.        Because he ate three fish everyday
C.       Because he didn’t want to sell the fish
D.       Because he only needs three fish everyday
E.        Because he was not allowed to catch more fish

36.      The tourist       : “For more fish to take the bait”
The fisherman : “There are only three of us at home.”
From the underlined sentence, we know that the fisherman answered ...
A.        Whether there were only three of them at home
B.        That there were only three of them at home
C.       That there were only three of us at home
D.       Why there are only three of us at home
E.        If there are only three of us at home

37.      “This strange routine was much commented in the village.”
This utterance has the same meaning as ...
A.        The routine was the part of the people tradition
B.        The routine was very usual in the village
C.       People criticized the strange routine
D.       People disliked doing their routine
E.        People liked doing their routine.

Text 8
Rare Trees
Nov 12, p 4
Too much has been lost! More land, including Java’s lowlands, should be planted and the Borneo highlands saved from palm oil.
In 1986 I met an Indonesian merchant who was exporting 10,000 tons of wild collected Borneo rattan to Taiwan. Bet he is out of business now.
The world does not need palm oil as a replacement for its dwindling rain forests. Nor does Australia need to clear old forests in Tasmania for paper pulp.
Australia has only one-half of one percent of its sub-tropical rain forest left. How much of Java’s rain forest is left?

Dorroughby, Australia
38.       What is Mr. Recher worried about?
      He is worried about the disappearance of …
A.        Trades
B.        forests
C.       palm oil
D.       wild rattan
E.        paper pulp

39.      What does Mr. Recher suggest?
A.        Palm oil should be planted                   
B.        More land should be planted                                
C.       Old forests should be cleared
D.       Paper pulp should be enlarged
E.        Wild rattan should be exported

Text 9
                        Hot Music!!
                                   Sizzing fajitas!!
                                                & skiller Bbq ribs!
 KEMANG CLUB VILLAS (021)719 2584, 7179 1661
 PLUIT, LAKE SIDE 168 D.E. (021) 6669 7385
 BANDUNG, TERS> PASTEUR (022) 2005 401/02
40.      What is advertised?
A.        A restaurant
B.        A tourist resort
C.       Hard rock music
D.       A musical instrument
E.        A special entertainment

The next numbers are not related to the text.

41.      Mr. Smith  : What do you think about the service of this restaurant?
Mrs. Smith : ….., the waiters are friendly
A.        I deny that                                                        
B.        I agree with it
C.       I have no doubt
D.       I’m satisfied with it                                                             
E.        I don’t have any objection

42.      X              : Do you think that Bertha will become the winner in the speech contest?
Y              : She speaks English well. There is …. for her to be the winner.
A.        possibly
B.        Possible
C.       Possibility
D.       impossible
E.        less chance

43.      Mufti : The sky is cloudy. The sun doesn’t shine. Do you think it is going to rain?
Kiki   : I believe so
From the dialogue above we know that Kiki is …. it will rain soon.
A.        Convinced
B.        uncertain
C.       not sure
D.       certain
E.        Afraid

44.      Mr. Budi    : Have you typed the letter to Mr. Bob?
Secretary   : I’m sorry, Sir. I completely forgot.
Mr. Budi    : Never mind. Will you do it now, please?
Secretary   : Certainly, Sir.  I do apologize for my absent mindedness.
The underlined sentence expresses …..
A.        accusing
B.        gratitude
C.       sympathy                         
D.       happiness
E.        apologizing

45.      Anisa  : I think the government should give more attention to small scale industries.
Nesty  : I think so, because this group offers more job opportunities.
The underlined words mean…..
A.        we like it
B.        we object it
C.       we agree with it
D.       we dislike it
E.        we deny it

46.      Tom felt that his eyesight was getting worse, therefore he ….
A.        had examined his eyes       
B.        will ask someone to fix it
C.       was examining his eyes
D.       had his eyes examined
E.        had been examining his eyes

47.      The doctor gained immediate …. for his great dictionary.
A.        Recognize
B.        Recognizing
C.       Recognizable
D.       Recognized
E.        Recognition

48.      I don’t know how to arrange these flowers. I’d rather ….
A.        do it
B.        have it done
C.       have done it
D.       have to do it
E.        it has been done

49.      X              : Did you get a compensation for your car?
Y              : No, I didn’t. If only  ….
A.        a. I would insure it
B.        b. I have insured it
C.       c. I had insured it
D.       d. I should insure it
E.        e. I wouldn’t have insure it

50.      I can’t swim fast, ........
A.        but my brother can
B.        and so can my brother
C.       and neither can’t my brother
D.       and my brother can too
E.        and so my brother